Have you ever thought about the kind of texts guys like to receive? Look for a sweet good morning message for him from this list and send it before he wakes up. Stanbic IBTC Pension: Every ‘Someday’ needs a plan What are some sweet good morning texts for him? A couple relaxing on a sofa. You are the last person I think about before falling asleep and the first when I wake up.There is nothing I would change about you.

My past mistakes have taught me how to love and keep a gentleman like you.Someday, we will understand why destiny put us together.When the world turns silent, and your tears start falling, know that you can count on me.Why do you make me cry and laugh at the same time?.I have come to believe that something supernatural binds us together.I am standing right by your side and willing to make sacrifices for this work.I will never stop reminding you that you will wife me someday.I will never forgive myself if I hurt you.You brought all my walls down and loved me when I did not know how to love myself.If you were a movie, I'd watch you over and over again.Thank you for teaching me what marrying your best friend means.I will be right here with you come raise or sunshine.Below are some sweet text messages for him when you miss him. Buying him expensive gifts is a great idea, but do not overlook using words of affirmation. Let your man know how much you love and appreciate him daily. You made my day and you’ve made my day are both very common ways to show your gratitude in English.PAY ATTENTION: Subscribe to Digital Talk newsletter to receive must-know business stories and succeed BIG! This is in the present perfect simple form and emphasizes that the feeling of gratitude will continue until the end of the day. You’ve made my day is also very common and suggests that the action will impact the person who says this for the rest of the day. This action was completed earlier in the day. This means that the action of the other person was so kind/generous that your day is now a good one. You made my day is probably the most common of these three tenses and is in the past simple. Or you could want to say that the things the other person does for you every day make them a special person for you. “You make my day” means that seeing the other person every day is special for you. The present simple is used for things that are generally true. You make my day is the present simple form of the expression. The expression “to make one’s day” is generally used when somebody does something kind and we use this expression to show our gratitude and how special we feel. There are different tenses in each sentence which change the meaning. You make my day, You made my day and You’ve made my day are all correct sentences in English.